座落在薩爾 Wiltingen 中心地帶的,就是 Van Volxem 酒莊。板岩山坡上的葡萄藤從西元三世紀起,就靜靜見證著這個河谷的興衰起落。羅馬時期干戈戎馬的征戰所揚起的歷史塵埃,使酒莊的光芒漸漸晦暗。直到11世紀,來自比利時的釀酒師 Gustav Van Volxem,經過此後數十年的苦心經營,Van Volxem 已成為世上日耳曼民族的驕傲之一。在第四代莊主 Roman Niewodniczanski 的帶領下,如今的Van Volxem 已經成為德國最具代表性的釀造者。目前酒莊以踏上一段新的旅程,而終點是頂尖。
這裡的礦物質豐足的土壤層層疊疊,是四十億年前海洋所留下的足跡。Van Volxem 所追求的,是在這樣受上天眷顧的環境中淬煉出極致平衡的酒款,這些酒擁有漂亮的成熟果香,襯起精準香氣的背後是精巧緊緻的酸度,與一絲不苟的12%酒精相結合後,展現一種近乎完美的平衡感。年輕時充滿著活力且甘甜純淨,瓶內所蘊含的豐富礦物質感以及精巧酸度,在時間催化下所孕育出的,是那經陳年才能企及的完美境界。
這裡的礦物質豐足的土壤層層疊疊,是四十億年前海洋所留下的足跡。Van Volxem 所追求的,是在這樣受上天眷顧的環境中淬煉出極致平衡的酒款,這些酒擁有漂亮的成熟果香,襯起精準香氣的背後是精巧緊緻的酸度,與一絲不苟的12%酒精相結合後,展現一種近乎完美的平衡感。年輕時充滿著活力且甘甜純淨,瓶內所蘊含的豐富礦物質感以及精巧酸度,在時間催化下所孕育出的,是那經陳年才能企及的完美境界。
On the palate a local wine full of delicacy.
The 2018 Wiltinger Riesling offers a clear, spicy and coolish bouquet of weathered, clayey slate and ripe, precise white stone fruit aromas in the background. Lush and intense yet crystalline, crunchy and even salty and piquant on the palate, this is an impressively fruity, silky-textured Wiltinger that reveals a remarkably intense and long finish. An impressive village wine sourced in the Rosenberg and Volz. Highly recommended.
The 2016 Wiltinger Riesling has a clear and aromatic bouquet with flinty/crunchy slate and perfectly ripe stone fruit aromas. This is gracefully cooland precise but also ripe and sensual. Concentrated, juicy and crystalline on the palate, with super ripe, sensual fruit and fine tannins, this is a refreshingly mineral and spicy-piquant Riesling from the Braunfels Einzellage.
The Wiltinger is relatively generous on the nose compared with its siblings. Without being fruit-driven it does exhibit notes of stone fruit, and on the palate citrusy nuances team up with assertive acidity to get the taste buds tingling. As almost always with van Volxem wines, minerality gets a say in the end but it does not detract from the refreshing and vibrant character of the wine.