Robert Parker在某次的一下午品飲中,發現了Marc Sorrel酒莊無窮的潛力,並在雜誌上發表了介紹這間酒莊的文章,也是從這一年開始,Marc Sorrel漸漸走出產區,逐漸成為如今一瓶難求的車庫名莊。現在。Marc Sorre是北隆河Hermitage最知名的精品車庫酒莊(Cult Wine),量少質精,每年僅釀製數千瓶,若你能遇上,已是福氣。
法國的薄酒萊(Beaujolais),似乎總是與每年11月的第三個禮拜四開賣的薄酒萊新酒(Beaujolais Nouveau)脫不了關係。雖然這種酒在性價比上顯得不太划算,但它代表的是一種釀造風格,一種在收成時節的歡愉氛圍。
Marc Sorrel堅持以傳統方式進行釀造,且培養過程中「完全不使用」新橡木桶。期許在些許桶味的輔助下,使酒液能最直接的反應出葡萄及風土本身的特色及風味,飽滿而自然,堅實而不造作。
Sorrel's 2018 Hermitage is floral and red fruited, with delicate tea-like nuances entwined with violets, raspberries and cherries. It's full-bodied but not overly weighty or rich, showcasing the rarely seen elegant side to this appellation. Drink date 2021-2033.
Strong leathery note with a medicinal overtone that has some acetic influence to it. Superbly ripe fruit, and excellent savoury persistence. There's definitely an animal character here, very possibly brett-related, but it only adds to the complexity of the palate. Remarkably suave tannic feel. Seems drinkable early.
Inky ruby. Ripe black currant, cherry liqueur, licorice and olive on the deeply perfumed nose, along with cracked pepper and floral nuances that gain strength as the wine stretches out. Weighty and broad in the mouth, offering densely packed, spice-tinged black and blue fruit liqueur flavors and hints of candied flowers and bitter chocolate. In a distinctly rich style, showing strong closing thrust, steadily building tannins and resonating licorice and floral qualities.
Complet, séveux, savoureux, belle matière mûre et habilement vinifiée, la finale semble avoir gagné en précision.