Robert Parker在某次的一下午品飲中,發現了Marc Sorrel酒莊無窮的潛力,並在雜誌上發表了介紹這間酒莊的文章,也是從這一年開始,Marc Sorrel漸漸走出產區,逐漸成為如今一瓶難求的車庫名莊。現在。Marc Sorre是北隆河Hermitage最知名的精品車庫酒莊(Cult Wine),量少質精,每年僅釀製數千瓶,若你能遇上,已是福氣。
法國的薄酒萊(Beaujolais),似乎總是與每年11月的第三個禮拜四開賣的薄酒萊新酒(Beaujolais Nouveau)脫不了關係。雖然這種酒在性價比上顯得不太划算,但它代表的是一種釀造風格,一種在收成時節的歡愉氛圍。
Marc Sorrel堅持以傳統方式進行釀造,且培養過程中「完全不使用」新橡木桶。期許在些許桶味的輔助下,使酒液能最直接的反應出葡萄及風土本身的特色及風味,飽滿而自然,堅實而不造作。
Excellent peppery nose – enough to make you sneeze, almost. Leathery and savoury on the finish with excellent fruit ripeness and a long liquorice length. Exemplary, and balances ripe fruit with fragrant spice.
Brilliant violet. Smoke- and mineral-accented black and blue fruit preserve, licorice pastille and incense scents, plus a hint of musky earth in the background. Nicely concentrated, spice-laced black currant and bitter cherry flavors become sweeter and more energetic with air. Delivers solid punch but comes off graceful, finishing with very good persistence and dusty, slow-building tannins.