Jancis Robinson《世界葡萄酒輿圖》一書中法國Savoie產區的介紹的篇幅並不大,但推薦名單中卻提到了這間酒莊-Domaine de L'Idylle。1840年成立的Domaine de L'Idylle的歷史比起許多現在的一線酒莊來說更為悠久,並在1920在當地的比賽獲獎後,逐漸浮上舞台。
Savoie坐落於法瑞邊界的阿爾卑斯山腳下,最近的地方與日內瓦僅有一湖之隔。在山脈的加持下,深入內陸的Savoie擁有有別於其他產區的獨特的Alpine Climate。正因如此,這裡生產的葡萄酒,果香清透中又兼具成熟,飽滿間又充滿迷人酸度,不僅獨飲時十分平衡舒服,在搭餐上更是無往不利。
Savoie 產區特有的Altesse、Jaquère,在 Sylvain Tiollier 的悉心照料之下,展現出獨特清新的白花、杏桃、黃香李香氣,長時間浸泡酵母所產生的烤土司氣息,即便是白酒,在擁有冷冽酸度的同時,酒體仍能保有法式奶油般棉柔絲滑的口感,長長的尾韻中,帶著烤杏仁氣息。
Quite frothy with big bubbles. Fragrant with apple and pear fruit and spring blossom and a lightly leesy/creamy note, almonds too, with a grainy pear character in the texture too. Tastes dry and fresh on the palate, with apple and pear again and – surprisingly after only a year on lees – a hint of toasty autolytic character. This is just so much fun – lively, lots of fruit, dry-tasting and delicious. Much more flavour than most fizz at this price and still with a certain elegance.
An intriguing style with a medium-yellow hue in the glass and baked apple notes on the nose, this is a distinctive, fresh and vibrant Crémant made from Pinot Noir, Jacquère and Roussette. Vibrant lemon acidity reminds one of the cool climate in these parts. Made by the Tiollier brothers from their 20ha domaine on the steep sided slopes of the Isère valley, this is distinctive and has the structure to age very well in bottle.