1995年成立的Ridgeview至今已有近30年的歷史,是英國當地資歷最深的酒莊之一。酒莊的創始人 Mike Roberts MBE,對「英國製造」一直有著特殊的憧憬。Mike原本是間軟體公司的創辦人,由於對葡萄酒有著無與倫比的熱情,退休後與太太 Chris Roberts 一同在倫敦南邊的 Sussex 郡買下了約5頃地塊,親手種下新的葡萄樹,開啟了Ridgeview 的旅程。
香檳區特殊的白色碳酸鈣地質,向西北延伸穿越英吉利海峽,最後浮出大不列顛島南端的地表。在全球暖化的趨勢下,緯度更高的英國,如今的風土更接近過去的經典香檳,因此在釀造氣泡酒時,採用與香檳相同的經典品種Chardonnay、Pinot Noir 以及 Pinot Munier,加上單位面積產量僅有香檳區一半,因此在呈現精緻酸度的同時,果香與酒體也更加熟美飽滿。
英國氣泡酒不僅採用與香檳相同的「傳統法 (Classic Method)」,以瓶中二次發酵的方式釀造,並以法國香檳為樣板,揉入英國自己的風土與個性,走出屬於自己新的道路。少了歷史傳統的束縛,採用傳統法釀造的英國氣泡酒,雖然都有著突出的酸度,但在風格表現上卻大相逕庭。Ridgeview自始至終,都維持最能夠突出果實品質的基調:飽滿豐富的果香。
The first Ridgeview vineyards were planted in 1995, in the foothills of the Sussex South Downs, and the fruit for this all-Chardonnay wine comes from the original estate vineyard. The lemon-cream nose is fragranced with dog rose blossom. The palate is sweetly spiced with star-anise notes among a lemon drizzle cake character. It's round and fruity, with the strict acid backbone discreetly held by the plush palate feel of a creamy mousse and soft peach and lemon fruits.
Chalk, oatmeal and the flesh of Golden Delicious apple create a nose of richness, freshness and depth. The palate reinforces all of these notions and carries them on a creamy, persistent, foamy mousse. Its generosity counters the inherent freshness and strikes a wonderful balance. An elegant wine with backbone and depth.
Cream, brioche, apple crumble, lemon sherbet, a little flint character. Pin-cushion mousse, really soft and refined with good core concentration and very lengthy finish. Light grassy herbaceous tones add a little complexity, and this has good potential for some years in bottle.