Jean-Paul Brun是一間來自於法國薄酒萊的酒莊,但他並不隨波逐流,也沒有高大上的外衣、更沒有恨天高的價格,有的只是那擇善固執、品質至上的自然風格。即便在那個新酒橫行的年代他也未棄初衷,30年下來的堅持為他堆疊出的是法國巷內高手間無懈可擊的口碑。
法國的薄酒萊(Beaujolais),似乎總是與每年11月的第三個禮拜四開賣的薄酒萊新酒(Beaujolais Nouveau)脫不了關係。雖然這種酒在性價比上顯得不太划算,但它代表的是一種釀造風格,一種在收成時節的歡愉氛圍。
在莊主的概念裡,葡萄酒僅分為兩種,一種是經過精心策劃後大量生產的Industrial Wine,風味討喜但缺少個性;另一種則是技術與用心並進,充滿手作感的Artisanal Wine。真正技術高超的釀酒師不需過份強調自己的酒有多自然,而是能透過酒與品飲者對話,將理念傳達到品飲者的心中。
The 2018 Beaujolais Le Ronsay is very good, bursting with scents of plums, cherries and licorice, followed by a medium to full-bodied, fleshy palate that's framed by fine, chalky tannins and dominated by pretty fruit. This is Brun's young-vine cuvée.
Pale crimson. Light lively and sweet – utterly artless, in a delightful way. No rough edges. Easy healthy drink for any time.
This wine was rated 90 points by Vinous.
This wine was rated 16 points by La Revue du Vin de France.
Densely planted 20-year-old vines provide the fruit for this wine. With its layer of tannins over the red fruits and acidity, it is fruity while having structure.